Burgess Technology Services, originally established as Burgess Computer by Craig Burgess in 1985, has evolved into a prominent technology solutions provider. Initially experiencing gradual growth, the company expanded its offerings and team, introducing a software division in 1996. Over the years, Burgess Technology Services has honed its focus on addressing the technological needs of organizations and businesses across Maine. A significant transition occurred in 2006 when a trio of employees acquired the company, setting the stage for continued excellence in delivering diverse technology solutions.
In 2016, the company rebranded from Burgess Computer to Burgess Technology Services, a name that more accurately represents its comprehensive range of services and modern identity. Based in Bath, United States, the company offers an extensive suite of services, including VoIP, Cloud Migration, Cybersecurity, Data Storage, and Email Security, among others. Burgess Technology Services remains committed to providing innovative and reliable technology solutions, ensuring that businesses can thrive in an increasingly digital world.