Established in 1986, Kamloops Computer Centre began as a modest franchise dedicated to computer sales and service. Over the decades, it has evolved into a leading independent provider in the Interior of British Columbia. With a team of over 20 employees, the centre boasts a highly skilled workforce, including certified professionals who deliver exceptional service and support. This growth and commitment to excellence have solidified Kamloops Computer Centre's reputation as a trusted name in the industry.
Located in Kamloops, Canada, the centre offers a comprehensive range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of its clients. These services include virtualization, colocation, cybersecurity, data storage, and hosted exchange, among others. Each service is tailored to ensure optimal performance and security, reflecting the centre's dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. Kamloops Computer Centre continues to uphold its commitment to quality and innovation, making it a preferred choice for businesses seeking reliable and professional IT solutions.