Macserv, founded by Sam Bergin in 1997, emerged as a dedicated IT service provider with a focus on Macintosh systems. At its inception, the company operated during a challenging period for Apple, just before the pivotal return of Steve Jobs and the introduction of the revolutionary "iDevice" concept. Initially, Macserv catered to both Windows and Macintosh users, offering balanced support across platforms. However, as Apple began to reshape the global technology landscape with its innovative products, the demand for Mac-related services surged significantly.
Operating out of New Jersey, United States, Macserv has since honed its expertise to meet the growing needs of its clientele. The company offers a comprehensive suite of services, including Backup & Recovery, Cybersecurity, IT Consulting, Microsoft 365, and Networking & Wi-Fi solutions. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for Apple technology, Macserv continues to provide top-tier IT support, ensuring that both individual and business clients receive the highest level of service and expertise in the ever-evolving digital world.