SpeedCom AG, originally established as Newsnet in 1986, began its journey as a sole proprietorship in the electronics sector. With the rapid advancements in operating systems and the internet during the early 1990s, the company strategically shifted its focus in 1994 to specialize in Microsoft NT environments, Linux systems, and both internet and intranet connectivity. This evolution in focus led to the transformation of the sole proprietorship into Newsnet AG, a public limited company, in August 2000.
Since 2012, SpeedCom AG has been operating a state-of-the-art data center located in Schaan, Liechtenstein, further solidifying its position in the IT industry. The company offers a comprehensive suite of services, including Managed IT, Cybersecurity, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Hyper-convergence, and Email Security. These services are designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses, ensuring robust and secure IT environments. SpeedCom AG continues to leverage its expertise and cutting-edge technology to deliver exceptional solutions, maintaining its reputation as a leader in the region's IT landscape.