Established in 2008, Velecor Services embarked on a mission to deliver the "Enterprise IT Services Experience" to businesses throughout the Greater Cincinnati area. With a team boasting over a century of combined expertise in IT solution development and implementation, Velecor Services has consistently expanded over the past five years. This growth has been achieved while upholding exceptional levels of customer satisfaction and employee retention. The company remains committed to viewing its clients as partners, employing only the most skilled professionals, and maintaining an unwavering dedication to problem-solving.
Operating primarily in Ohio, United States, Velecor Services offers a comprehensive suite of IT services, including Backup & Recovery, Cybersecurity, Managed IT, Microsoft 365, and Networking & Wi-Fi. The company’s focus on delivering high-quality services has solidified its reputation as a trusted partner in the IT industry. By prioritizing customer needs and leveraging the expertise of its team, Velecor Services continues to provide innovative solutions that meet the evolving demands of the modern business landscape.