DMARC Policy Not Enabled on Your Domain: Step-by-Step Guide to Fix It

October 16, 2024

Having a Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) policy not enabled on your domain can leave your email communications vulnerable to phishing attacks, spoofing, and unauthorized use. Without DMARC, spammers and cybercriminals can exploit your domain to send fraudulent emails, damaging your reputation and compromising the security of your recipients.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process to solve this issue and enable a DMARC policy for your domain. By the end, you’ll know how to configure DMARC, SPF (Sender Policy Framework), and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to secure your emails and ensure compliance with industry standards.

What is DMARC?

DMARC is an email authentication protocol designed to give domain owners control over who sends emails from their domain. It works in conjunction with SPF and DKIM, allowing domain owners to specify which mechanisms are in place to validate their email. DMARC also provides instructions for email receivers on how to handle messages that fail these validation checks (e.g., by quarantining or rejecting them).

Why Is It Important to Enable DMARC?

Here are some key reasons why enabling DMARC is critical:

  • Prevents Domain Spoofing: DMARC helps prevent unauthorized use of your domain by ensuring that only legitimate emails are sent from it.
  • Enhances Email Deliverability: Emails from domains with proper DMARC, SPF, and DKIM configurations are more likely to land in recipients' inboxes rather than being marked as spam.
  • Builds Brand Trust: When recipients see that your domain is protected, it builds trust, reducing the likelihood that they’ll fall victim to phishing scams.
  • Gain Insight into Email Traffic: DMARC reports give you valuable insights into who is sending emails on behalf of your domain and whether they are authenticated properly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Solving "DMARC Policy Not Enabled"

If your domain doesn’t have a DMARC policy enabled, don’t worry—you can fix it by following this simple guide. Before we start, make sure you have access to your domain's DNS settings.

Step 1: Set Up SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

Before enabling DMARC, ensure your domain is using SPF to authorize which email servers can send emails on behalf of your domain. SPF is essential because DMARC relies on it to verify emails.

Here’s how to set up SPF for your domain:

  1. Log in to your DNS provider: Access your DNS management console (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap, Cloudflare).
  2. Create a TXT Record: Find the option to add a new DNS record and choose a TXT record type.
  3. Add Your SPF Record: In the value field, add the following SPF record, replacing with your domain name:
  4. makefile
  5. Copy code
  6. v=spf1 -all
  7. This is an example for a domain that uses Microsoft Office 365 for email. If you use another email provider (e.g., Google Workspace), you’ll need to adjust the SPF record accordingly.
  8. Save the Record: Save your changes, and allow some time for the DNS changes to propagate.

You can check if your SPF record is configured correctly by using an SPF checker tool, which will verify the setup for you.

Step 2: Set Up DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

The second building block of DMARC is DKIM. DKIM works by adding a digital signature to your outgoing emails. This signature allows the recipient’s email server to verify that the email was sent from an authorized server and hasn’t been tampered with.

Here’s how to enable DKIM:

  1. Access Your Email Provider’s Settings: For most major email providers like Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace, DKIM can be enabled through their administrative settings.
  2. For example, in Google Workspace:
    • Log in to your Google Admin console.
    • Navigate to “Apps” > “Google Workspace” > “Gmail” > “Authenticate email.”
    • Generate a DKIM key by selecting your domain and clicking “Generate new record.”
  3. Add DKIM Record to DNS: After generating the DKIM key, you’ll be provided with a DNS TXT record to add to your domain.
    • Go back to your DNS management console and create a new TXT record.
    • In the "Name" field, enter the host name (e.g., google._domainkey for Google Workspace).
    • In the "Value" field, paste the DKIM public key generated by your email provider.
    • Save the record.
  4. Activate DKIM: Once the DKIM record has been added to your DNS, return to your email provider’s settings and activate DKIM.

You can confirm your DKIM setup using a DKIM checker tool, which will ensure everything is working correctly.

Step 3: Generate a DMARC Record

With SPF and DKIM in place, you’re ready to create your DMARC record. This record will tell email receivers how to handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM validation.

To generate a DMARC record, you can use the Palisade DMARC Checker, which simplifies the process and ensures accuracy. Here’s what your DMARC record might look like:


Copy code

v=DMARC1; p=none;;; pct=100;

Here’s a breakdown of the record:

  • v=DMARC1: This specifies the DMARC protocol version.
  • p=none: This specifies the policy (none, quarantine, or reject). In the beginning, it’s best to use “none” to monitor emails without taking any action.
  • This is the address where aggregate reports will be sent.
  • This is the address for forensic (detailed) reports.
  • pct=100: This tells receiving email servers to apply the policy to 100% of emails.

Step 4: Add Your DMARC Record to DNS

Now that you have your DMARC record, you need to add it to your DNS:

  1. Go to Your DNS Provider: Log in to your DNS provider and find the option to add a new DNS record.
  2. Create a TXT Record:
    • Type: TXT
    • Host/Name:
    • Value: Paste the DMARC record you generated.
  3. Save and Apply: Save the record, and allow a few hours for the changes to propagate.

Step 5: Monitor DMARC Reports

Once your DMARC record is live, you’ll start receiving reports from email servers that interact with your domain. These reports help you understand which emails are passing or failing authentication checks. The reports will also provide information on whether any unauthorized sources are attempting to send emails from your domain.

By using the Palisade DMARC Checker, you can easily review these reports and adjust your email policies to improve security.

Step 6: Gradually Enforce DMARC

Initially, you should start with a DMARC policy of p=none, which means no action will be taken on emails that fail DMARC checks. This allows you to monitor your email traffic and authentication results without affecting deliverability.

Once you’re confident that your SPF and DKIM records are properly configured, you can move to stricter DMARC policies:

  • Quarantine (p=quarantine): Emails that fail DMARC will be sent to the recipient’s spam folder.
  • Reject (p=reject): Emails that fail DMARC will be completely rejected and not delivered.

Switching to stricter policies will protect your domain from being exploited by cybercriminals.

Final Thoughts

Having a DMARC policy not enabled on your domain is a critical issue that can be easily solved by following the steps outlined in this guide. By setting up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, you can ensure that your domain is protected from email spoofing, phishing attacks, and unauthorized use.

If you're looking for an easy way to generate DMARC records, monitor reports, and ensure email security, be sure to check out the Palisade DMARC Checker. This tool simplifies the process, helping you stay compliant and protect your domain from email-based threats.

DMARC Policy Not Enabled on Your Domain: Step-by-Step Guide to Fix It

Published on
October 16, 2024
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Having a Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) policy not enabled on your domain can leave your email communications vulnerable to phishing attacks, spoofing, and unauthorized use. Without DMARC, spammers and cybercriminals can exploit your domain to send fraudulent emails, damaging your reputation and compromising the security of your recipients.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process to solve this issue and enable a DMARC policy for your domain. By the end, you’ll know how to configure DMARC, SPF (Sender Policy Framework), and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to secure your emails and ensure compliance with industry standards.

What is DMARC?

DMARC is an email authentication protocol designed to give domain owners control over who sends emails from their domain. It works in conjunction with SPF and DKIM, allowing domain owners to specify which mechanisms are in place to validate their email. DMARC also provides instructions for email receivers on how to handle messages that fail these validation checks (e.g., by quarantining or rejecting them).

Why Is It Important to Enable DMARC?

Here are some key reasons why enabling DMARC is critical:

  • Prevents Domain Spoofing: DMARC helps prevent unauthorized use of your domain by ensuring that only legitimate emails are sent from it.
  • Enhances Email Deliverability: Emails from domains with proper DMARC, SPF, and DKIM configurations are more likely to land in recipients' inboxes rather than being marked as spam.
  • Builds Brand Trust: When recipients see that your domain is protected, it builds trust, reducing the likelihood that they’ll fall victim to phishing scams.
  • Gain Insight into Email Traffic: DMARC reports give you valuable insights into who is sending emails on behalf of your domain and whether they are authenticated properly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Solving "DMARC Policy Not Enabled"

If your domain doesn’t have a DMARC policy enabled, don’t worry—you can fix it by following this simple guide. Before we start, make sure you have access to your domain's DNS settings.

Step 1: Set Up SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

Before enabling DMARC, ensure your domain is using SPF to authorize which email servers can send emails on behalf of your domain. SPF is essential because DMARC relies on it to verify emails.

Here’s how to set up SPF for your domain:

  1. Log in to your DNS provider: Access your DNS management console (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap, Cloudflare).
  2. Create a TXT Record: Find the option to add a new DNS record and choose a TXT record type.
  3. Add Your SPF Record: In the value field, add the following SPF record, replacing with your domain name:
  4. makefile
  5. Copy code
  6. v=spf1 -all
  7. This is an example for a domain that uses Microsoft Office 365 for email. If you use another email provider (e.g., Google Workspace), you’ll need to adjust the SPF record accordingly.
  8. Save the Record: Save your changes, and allow some time for the DNS changes to propagate.

You can check if your SPF record is configured correctly by using an SPF checker tool, which will verify the setup for you.

Step 2: Set Up DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

The second building block of DMARC is DKIM. DKIM works by adding a digital signature to your outgoing emails. This signature allows the recipient’s email server to verify that the email was sent from an authorized server and hasn’t been tampered with.

Here’s how to enable DKIM:

  1. Access Your Email Provider’s Settings: For most major email providers like Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace, DKIM can be enabled through their administrative settings.
  2. For example, in Google Workspace:
    • Log in to your Google Admin console.
    • Navigate to “Apps” > “Google Workspace” > “Gmail” > “Authenticate email.”
    • Generate a DKIM key by selecting your domain and clicking “Generate new record.”
  3. Add DKIM Record to DNS: After generating the DKIM key, you’ll be provided with a DNS TXT record to add to your domain.
    • Go back to your DNS management console and create a new TXT record.
    • In the "Name" field, enter the host name (e.g., google._domainkey for Google Workspace).
    • In the "Value" field, paste the DKIM public key generated by your email provider.
    • Save the record.
  4. Activate DKIM: Once the DKIM record has been added to your DNS, return to your email provider’s settings and activate DKIM.

You can confirm your DKIM setup using a DKIM checker tool, which will ensure everything is working correctly.

Step 3: Generate a DMARC Record

With SPF and DKIM in place, you’re ready to create your DMARC record. This record will tell email receivers how to handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM validation.

To generate a DMARC record, you can use the Palisade DMARC Checker, which simplifies the process and ensures accuracy. Here’s what your DMARC record might look like:


Copy code

v=DMARC1; p=none;;; pct=100;

Here’s a breakdown of the record:

  • v=DMARC1: This specifies the DMARC protocol version.
  • p=none: This specifies the policy (none, quarantine, or reject). In the beginning, it’s best to use “none” to monitor emails without taking any action.
  • This is the address where aggregate reports will be sent.
  • This is the address for forensic (detailed) reports.
  • pct=100: This tells receiving email servers to apply the policy to 100% of emails.

Step 4: Add Your DMARC Record to DNS

Now that you have your DMARC record, you need to add it to your DNS:

  1. Go to Your DNS Provider: Log in to your DNS provider and find the option to add a new DNS record.
  2. Create a TXT Record:
    • Type: TXT
    • Host/Name:
    • Value: Paste the DMARC record you generated.
  3. Save and Apply: Save the record, and allow a few hours for the changes to propagate.

Step 5: Monitor DMARC Reports

Once your DMARC record is live, you’ll start receiving reports from email servers that interact with your domain. These reports help you understand which emails are passing or failing authentication checks. The reports will also provide information on whether any unauthorized sources are attempting to send emails from your domain.

By using the Palisade DMARC Checker, you can easily review these reports and adjust your email policies to improve security.

Step 6: Gradually Enforce DMARC

Initially, you should start with a DMARC policy of p=none, which means no action will be taken on emails that fail DMARC checks. This allows you to monitor your email traffic and authentication results without affecting deliverability.

Once you’re confident that your SPF and DKIM records are properly configured, you can move to stricter DMARC policies:

  • Quarantine (p=quarantine): Emails that fail DMARC will be sent to the recipient’s spam folder.
  • Reject (p=reject): Emails that fail DMARC will be completely rejected and not delivered.

Switching to stricter policies will protect your domain from being exploited by cybercriminals.

Final Thoughts

Having a DMARC policy not enabled on your domain is a critical issue that can be easily solved by following the steps outlined in this guide. By setting up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, you can ensure that your domain is protected from email spoofing, phishing attacks, and unauthorized use.

If you're looking for an easy way to generate DMARC records, monitor reports, and ensure email security, be sure to check out the Palisade DMARC Checker. This tool simplifies the process, helping you stay compliant and protect your domain from email-based threats.